
Week in Review: Groceries

Since this was such a good shopping trip this week, I had to take a picture of everything I picked up. My overall spending was $37.15. I've been trying to stay on a budget of $40 a week so I didn't do too bad!! I am so stocked up on meats, pasta and frozen fruits/veggies that I was able to "splurge" on some snacks/junk food for us. Some of the "convenience" items will be saved for Rich to make a quick lunch, for our upcoming zoo trip and for last minute snacks when we are dashing out the door.

Here's what I picked up: 2 gallons of milk, 2 loaves of bread, 2lbs. of bananas, 1.25lbs. of grapes, 1 dozen eggs, 2 bags of Doritos, Pillsbury Frosting, 2 containers of pancake syrup, 6 cans of Hunt's Spaghetti Sauce, 3 Lunchables, Kraft Bacon/Ranch Salad Dressing, 2 Minute Maid Lemonades, 7 jars of Peter Pan peanut butter, 2 boxes of Rice Krispy Treats, 2 boxes of Yogo Bits, 2 boxes of Blueberry Muffin Mini-Wheats cereal, 2 boxes of Eggos, 2 boxes of PopTarts, 2 boxes of Corn Pops cereal, 2 boxes of 12 packs of Keebler cookies, 12 highlighters and 4 bags of BiC pens. And hidden in the very back of the picture is 4 dozen ears of corn, which were included in my total spending amount. (I turned these into 24-12oz bags of frozen corn and left a few ears for lunch/supper later this week.)

As an added bonus, the two boxes of PopTarts had 4 coupons for 4 more items for free! I had saved so much money, that they had to call a manager over to override my total! (To me, this always means that everything was a great STEAL!)

How did your week go?


  1. Great job on your groceries? Where did you do your shopping? We always freeze corn for the winter and enjoy it year round - it's a big project on bagging day, but so worth it for fresh tasting sweet corn all year long.

  2. Coupon Geek Here: Thank you!! I did my shopping at Jewel this week. I had an $8/80 coupon and worked it down to next to nothing with all those Kellogg's coupons and Jewel instant deals. I actually checked out twice, as I got a $10 off next purchase coupon. The bagging corn was a big project but looking at it in the freezer today, I'm glad we did it! Thanks for visiting! Stop by anytime!



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