
$2 Tater Thursdays - Educational Shopping?

I was reading Donna's article yesterday on "feeling invisible" and I could totally relate! Despite having a husband that appreciates me immensely, sometimes I do feel invisible. Is anyone listening? Is Tater soaking in anything I'm teaching him? Well, today's "adventure" was actually my education, not Tater's! I'm the one that ended up learning something from our "outing."

So my Dr's appt. was switched from Tuesday to Thursday this week. I wasn't sure what Nathan and I were going to do for our "adventure" but I thought I'd figure it out on the way home. Tater actually planned this one!

I had to stop at Wags to use my RRs on a gallon of milk. As I was walking through the aisle, Tater repeated pointed to something. A gorilla. Of course! He loves monkeys lately. I let him see it and he kept patting his head. Then I realized, the gorilla had a graduation hat on and Tater was signing, "Hat." When I tried to put it back, he kept signing hat and pointing. He's really been into stuffed animals lately so I knew he'd get use out of him, so I let him keep him.

Next we went to Jewel. We were in the produce area and Tater started saying, "Ba-Na." I looked over and he was pointing at Bananas. Then "pul-pul" (apple). I asked him which ones were red and he pointed. I figured it was a "fluke" and started asking him "Point to something orange" or "Where are the lemons?" He got everything right. He had to point out every pumpkin in the store as, "puh-puh."

On our way through the bakery section, they had free samples of cookies out. As I was getting one for Tater, I heard a woman laugh and say, "Why hi cutie!" He was waving and smiling at her. And he continued to do this to EVERYONE we walked by. (I guess my, "Be Nice, Say Hi" finally kicked in!)

I was almost on my way out and I remembered those Silk Soymilk coupons I had. I thought I'd check out the pricing and while I was studying flavors and prices, Tater again, started getting excited about something. Another pumpkin? I finally noticed he was opening and closing his fist, making the sign for "milk." There behind me were the regular gallon jugs we bought.

How exciting to see that the things I've been teaching him, he's really picking up on! (Along with help from DVDs!!) He's signed/spoke at home but it was great to see him apply everything from home to things in the outside world! On the drive home, I had a happy feeling of not being quite so invisible but then I had a sad moment when I realized...my little baby is growing up! When we got home, and had lunch, I asked him, "Can Mommy nappy with you?" He smiled and shook his head yes. So this afternoon, we both curled up in the Guest Room and took a little nap. Because someday soon, he'll be much older and really wanting Mommy to be invisible! :) (It's never cool to hang out with Mommy around your friends!) Until then, I am going to keep teaching and loving my little guy! And some days, he'll teach me things, too!

Since I didn't have a picture of our trip, I picked my favorite one of him when he was about 5 months old. My little ham! Our total unbudgeted cost for today was $.54 for a gorilla with a hat! :) It was funny as him and Jack were fighting over it when we got home. (Who doesn't love a monkey with a cute hat?!)

Hope your day with your little one(s) was great, too!


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