
30 Ways To Lose a Pound: Tip #21

TIP #21 - Keep a Positive Attitude

When you start on your weight loss journey, the first thing you must tell yourself is that every week is going to be different. Some weeks, you may have big weight losses and other weeks, little or no weight loss. You could even gain a pound! But no matter what the scale reads, the worst thing you can do is to "get down" about what it says. Once you start feeling bad about your weight, it usually leads to even more weight gain or depression!

So stay positive. Accept even the little movements on the scale. And just keep reminding yourself that you are doing well. If for some reason, you continue to have little or no weight loss, re-examine what you are eating and how much you are exercising. It could be possible that you aren't eating as healthy as you think, not getting enough exercise or even eating too little, causing your body to go into "starvation mode."

If you continue to keep health as a big part of your life, the pounds will come off. So stay positive!


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