
Walgreens & Kellogg's - Sweet Deals

Walgreens has quite a few Kellogg's products on sale this week. Great timing as you can use the coupons from the Sunday insert and/or the Kellogg's rebate. Walgreens is also giving $5RR(like cash on your next purchase) when you spend $10 in Kellogg's products. You can choose to buy 10 and send in for the rebate. Or do multiple purchases and get more $5RR. Here are their sales:

Kellogg's Cereal: 4/$10; Special K and Nutri-Grain Bars 4/$10; Pop Tarts & Rice Krispies Treats 5/$10; Sandies Pecan Shortbread and Club Crackers 4/$10; Fudge Shoppe cookies and Cheez-It Crackers $5/10 (Most of these have $1/2 coupons from the paper)

Ideas to spend your $5RR on? They also have English muffins, eggs, sausage, coffee, peanut butter, Campbell's soup and canned veggies on sale. This could help out your grocery budget a little! Remember, most Walgreens stores will let you use a manufacturer's coupon along with their coupon for even better deals on some of these items.

Happy Shopping!


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